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Healthy Breakfasts Galore!

Writer: J AnderssonJ Andersson

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Some people miss breakfast in an effort to lose weight. Those who miss breakfast tend to eat more at lunch time or will eat a high - calorie snack to control their hunger. Some studies suggest that people tend to add more body fat when they eat fewer, larger meals then when they eat the same number of calories in smaller, more frequent meals.

Breakfast is important for managing blood sugar as well as for weight loss. Blood sugar management helps us to sustain energy levels throughout the day. This means eating regular meals that contain complex carbohydrates which are high in fibre such as wholemeal bread, oats, brown rice etc and protein such as fish, meat, chicken, eggs, lentils and soya. These foods combined together will keep you fuller for longer and therefore help to maintain your blood sugar levels. People who skip breakfast are also less likely to make up their daily requirement of some vitamins and minerals that a simple breakfast would have provide.

When we eat our food, it is converted into glucose which is released in to the blood to give us energy. When our glucose levels are too low we feel hungry and often lack energy. If our glucose levels are too high insulin is released to bring them down. Foods that are broken down more slowly keep us fuller for longer rather then refined sugary foods which release the glucose in to the blood quickly causing a sudden rise in blood sugar. When we wake up in the morning our blood sugar is naturally low, this is when we should be having a good healthy breakfast which will give you more energy and keep you going until the next meal or snack.

Here are 12 delicious simple healthy breakfast recipes and ideas!

Porridge with grated apple, cinnamon and seeds

Ingredients 40g porridge oats 50ml water 50ml skimmed milk ½ apple peeled ½ tsp cinnamon 2 tsp ground linseed

Serves 1 10 minutes

  1. In a small saucepan mix together the oats, water and milk. Bring to the boil and gently simmer on a low heat for 10 minutes, add a little more water if necessary.

  2. Peel and grate half an apple.

  3. When the porridge is ready serve with the grated apple, a sprinkle of cinnamon and the mixed seeds.

Yoghurt with fruit and mixed seeds

Ingredients ½ banana 70g blueberries 150ml pot natural Greek yoghurt 2 tsp pumpkin seeds or linseeds or both Alternatively used chopped almonds

Serves 1 5 minutes

  1. Cut up the banana.

  2. Put the yoghurt in a bowl and top with the banana, berries and mixed seeds. Add 1 tsp of honey.

Omelette with tomato and peppers

Ingredients 2 eggs ½ sliced red pepper 1 tomato chopped 2 tsp olive oil or coconut oil

Serves 1 15 minutes

  1. In a bowl beat the eggs.

  2. Heat the oil in a medium sized frying pan; add the peppers and tomato and fry for 3 minutes. Add the eggs and cook for a couple of minutes then turn the omelet over and cook for a further minute.

  3. Season to taste and serve.

Smoked salmon with scrambled eggs

Ingredients 2 slices of smoked salmon 2 eggs 1 slice of rye bread ½ tsp dried tarragon

Serves 1 5 minutes

Whisk the eggs and add to a medium sized saucepan. Heat the pan and stir the eggs on a low heat until they start to scramble. Add the tarragon and season to taste. Serve with the salmon slices and slice of rye bread.

Poached egg with avocado and tomatoes

Ingredients 1 egg ½ avocado 70g or a handful of cherry tomatoes Chilli flakes 2 tsp olive oil 3 fresh basil leaves

Serves 1 5 minutes

  1. Start by poaching the egg. Bring to the boil a small deep frying pan or saucepan (preferably non-stick) of water. Break in the egg and leave to simmer for 4 minutes or until the egg is cooked but the yoke is soft.

  2. Cut half an avocado in to slices.

  3. Cut the tomatoes in half and arrange on a plate with the avocado. Sprinkle over some torn basil leaves and chili flakes. Drizzle over some olive oil and season to taste.

  4. Remove the egg from the pan and serve with the tomatoes and avocado.

Can also be served with a slice of wholemeal toast.

Millet porridge with blueberries

Ingredients 40g millet flakes 100ml almond or coconut milk 50ml water 1 tsp ground flaxseeds 1 handful of blueberries

Serves 1 5 minutes

  1. Mix the millet with the milk and water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 3 to 4 minutes stirring continuously.

  2. Stir in blueberries and flaxseeds and serve

Quinoa porridge with pear and cinnamon

Ingredients 50g quinoa 100ml water 100ml almond or coconut milk 2 tsp flaked almonds ½ chopped pear ½ tsp cinnamon

  1. Rinse quinoa under cold running water. Combine with 100ml of water in a pot and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat – cover and cook for 10 minutes until soft.

  2. Add milk, pear, cinnamon and almonds. Cook for 5 minutes until creamy – add more milk if needed for a creamier texture.

Buckwheat Pancakes with Banana and Blueberries

Ingredients 275ml soya or almond milk 1 large egg 110g buckwheat flour 1 handful of blueberries 1 banana 1 tsp flaked almonds Coconut oil for frying

Serves 2 20 minutes

  1. Whisk together the milk and egg, gradually add the flour and whisk until you have a smooth batter. Stir in the blueberries.

  2. In a heavy based frying pan heat 1 tsp oil. Once hot soon in a ladle of the batter and keep a small round shape. After 2 – 3 minutes flip it over and cook the other side for a couple of minutes. Serve with chopped banana and a tsp of flaked almonds.

You can also have this with strawberries

Homemade Healthy Granola

(4 portions)

Ingredients 550g mixed millet and quinoa flakes 60ml water 4 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp cinnamon 30g pumpkin and sunflower seeds 2 tbsp ground linseeds 30g pecan nuts broken in to small pieces 30g hazelnuts crushed

  1. Preheat the oven to 190C

  2. Line 2 baking trays with parchment paper

  3. Put the millet flakes, quinoa flakes, cinnamon, seeds, linseed, hazelnuts, pecans and coconut oil in a bowl. Add the water and mix together really well. Should be slightly moist.

  4. Spread the mix out evenly on both baking trays. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until evenly browned, turn after 10 minutes. Lightly toast the coconut flakes in a hot pan. Set aside to cool. Remove the granola from the oven. When it is cool mix together with the flaked coconut and place in a container. Serve with coconut/almond/soya milk and some dried fruit and berries.

Chia Seeds with Fruit

To be prepared the night before

Ingredients 2 tsp chia seed 100ml coconut milk Chopped strawberries or mango 1 banana

Serves 1

5 minutes plus soaking overnight.

Put the chia seeds in a bowl and stir in the coconut milk and chopped strawberries. Leave over night and serve with chopped banana. If necessary add a little more coconut milk.

Coconut flour pancakes

(makes about 8 pancakes)

Ingredients 2 eggs 2 tbsp coconut oil 5 tbsp semi skimmed or whole milk (you cam also use almond milk) ¼ tsp salt 1 tbsp agave syrup 2 tbsp coconut flour ¼ tsp baking powder 2 tbsp Greek yoghurt 150g mixed berries 1 tbsp of mixed seeds.

  1. Blend together the eggs, coconut oil, milk, syrup and salt.

  2. Mix in the coconut flour and baking powder.

  3. In a heavy based frying pan heat 1 tbsp of coconut oil. Spoon a ladle full (2 tbsp) of the batter onto the hot pan making a pancake about 10cm in diameter. Cook for a couple of minutes on each side. Batter will be thick but will flatten out when cooking.

  4. Serve with a dollop of yoghurt and fresh fruit. Sprinkle over some mixed seeds.

Blueberry and chia seed muffins

(Makes 6 large muffins)


100g unsalted melted butter or coconut oil 160g spelt flour 1 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 170ml of buttermilk 40g agave syrup 1 egg 140g blueberries 55g chia seeds

  1. Preheat the oven to 190C

  2. Grease a 6 hole muffin tin or line with paper cases

  3. Put the flour, baking powder and salt in to a large bowl and make a well in the centre.

  4. In a separate bowl combine the buttermilk, melted butter, agave syrup and egg. Mix together well.

  5. Pour the liquid ingredients into the well in the flour and gently fold together to combine, be careful not to over mix.

  6. Gently fold in the chia seeds and blueberries.

  7. Quickly spoon the mixture in to the muffin cases or tin.

  8. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until they are well-risen and golden and spongy to touch. Cool on a wire rack.

Breakfast rules

  • Always have breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day.

  • Combine protein and fibre with your breakfast. This will keep you fuller for longer.

Examples of these types of foods are:


Eggs Greek yoghurt Salmon Mackerel Sardines Ham Quorn sausages Seeds Nuts Chia seeds

Fibre Wholemeal bread Oat cakes Ryvita Low sugar cereal; porridge oats, weetabix, millet flakes, bran flakes, Fruit Vegetables

  • Drink a glass of water with your breakfast as well as tea or coffee

  • With ready made breakfast cereals always check the labels. These can often be high in sugar. Aim for no more then 5g per 100g.

  • If you don’t have time for breakfast then grab something that you can eat at work for example:

Oat cakes or ryvita with nut butter Banana or fruit with a handful of nuts or seeds Plain Greek yoghurt with fruit and nuts

Other breakfast ideas

  • Sardines on wholemeal toast

  • Nut butter on toast

  • Smoked mackerel on rye bread with a squeeze of lemon and a tbsp of cottage cheese

  • Poached egg with spinach and wholemeal toast


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